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Creating the website to the Yale University

Cover Image for Creating the website to the Yale University


Yale University is a private university located in New Haven, Connecticut (United States). Member of the select Ivy League, Yale is the third oldest institution of higher education in the United States and one of nine colonial colleges recognized with a Royal Charter from the British monarch before the Revolution of the Thirteen Colonies.


  • Improving the visual design for a fresh, trend and innovate minimalist interface
  • Clear the elements in each section
  • Help users with better prompts, states and answers of the system  

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Final design

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Image de ejemplo

Screens more clear to allow users take advantage of all the content.


On many occasions, websites belonging to the educational sector focus solely on delivering information (both structured and unstructured) to their potential clients, overlooking the user experience and interaction with each element of the website. This results in websites that are difficult to navigate, understand, and remember. The website of the Yale School of Art exhibits these same user experience errors and the improper application of usability principles.

  • Positioning the website through assertive communication
  • Creating differentiation/added value in the promotional tone of the website
  • Developing dynamic elements to enhance interaction on the website
  • Building flows that allow users to successfully complete each menu journey.