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Cover Image for WHY TRUST IN YANGO?

Project Overview

Yango is a ride-hailing service that gets people where they want to go quickly, safely, and affordably with the value promise of "low prices". They came a new business model of bringing together several independent transport companies and getting the service directly with them because they could serve legally and confidently services.


I divided the re-design of experience in three phases:

Discovery, Needs & Ideation, Design decisions.

Discovery: Competitors analysis, User research and User testing.

Needs & Ideation: Brainstorming & strategy development.

Design decisions: User flow, wireframes fidelity-screens.

Research and Discovery

The resarch process for this project entailed to Competitors Analysis, heuristic analyses and User research.

I approached to opinions, commenst on Appstore, Playstore, social media to conduct need findings of the users more closely.


  • ⁠Discover hidden usability issues that prevent users from having an experience that fits with their needs.
  • ⁠Competitor analysis is the best way to understand how the current market is working, how Yango is incorporated, and how we are/will be different.
  • ⁠Heuristic evaluation to determine best practices.
  • ⁠Leverage findings to make design decisions.

Competitor Analysis

The competitor analysis helped to evaluate individual and common things also the subservices from the main sercies that each one offer. One of the most important I found was the gold rule of this market "Dynamic pricing, the higher the demand, the higher the price". Finally, I found multiple differences between Yango and its competitors.

Heuristic Analysis

its an important step into the process familiarize with the product, its goals, target audience, and business objectives. I found specifiy areas that need evaluation and rethink the communication strategy in some areas to communicate in a more appropriate and coherent way for the user through experience and visual design.

Key touchpoints

  • ⁠Discover how to connect the user with a safe space in the App.
  • ⁠Evalue with the same criteria the other competitors.  

Image de ejemplo Flow used to perform the heuristic evaluation of the Yango user experience.  

Usability testing

User testing involves gathering feedback directly from users by having them interact with the current product. This process helps identify pain points, usability issues, and areas where users might struggle or find the product confusing. Some important things to consider were: system failures, false charges, insecurity, and issues with app functionalities.  

Image de ejemplo Screen of a real User navigating into Yango App.  

Brainstorming and strategy development

Brainstorming is crucial to generate diverse ideas, fosters creativity, and promotes collaboration. It helps in exploring and understanding user needs, supports the iterative design process, and facilitates for effective decision-making to design user-friendly interface. The goal is visualize and categorizing them by themes and find patterns into the data gathered.

Key touchpoints

  • Categotice the emergency themes to make decisions to shape the vision that the project will have.
  • Understaind the current experience and what need to change to improve.

Strategy development - Emergency themes


  • You are not only requesting a cheaper ride but also a safe and reliable journey. You need answers if any questions appear during the trip to feel – "closeness with a human interaction."
  • How reliable is the user to debit the fare before being picked up?

Visual Experience

  • There is no consistency among the white spaces.
  • There is a set group of typography sizes, but it is not being well used.
  • The colour contrasts are dark.
  • The icons are not consistent.
  • Be mindful of the icons used to communicate actions.
  • Should the card sent to the website?
  • The loading sign takes a long time to load the content.


  • The brand's tone is straightforward, formal, and sober.
  • Are there emergency buttons? Where?


  • Make the emergency button visible.
  • Initiate payment when the driver ends the trip.
  • Improve the visual hierarchy of the app.


  • Performance issues affect the experience.
  • We have two KPIs to measure the app experience.
  1. The experience between the user and the app.
  2. The experience between the passenger and the driver.

What is the project's vision?

Create a redesign focus on a fresh appearance that gives users the feeling of security and confidence to pursue an engage with our users.

Design Decisions

User: Provide the user with functionalities to enhance their safety before, during, and after the trip.

Business: Connect Yango's culture with the app.

Product: Create a more user-friendly visual hierarchy.  

Image de ejemplo

Image de ejemplo